When a business’s bottom line is compromised by a legal conflict, it can negatively impact the company’s future financial stability and possibly even lead to drastic changes going forward. For a quick and cost-effective legal resolution, many businesses may turn to out-of-court negotiations or arbitration; trial-free means of resolving their dispute.
But what if an out-of-court resolution is not an option? While many involved parties usually prefer to avoid a trial, there are certainly cases in which a trial is not only preferred—but necessary. This, of course, will depend on a few factors.
A trial is necessary if parties cannot come to terms on a settlement during pre-trial stages. Settlements can be beneficial because they often cater to the interests of both parties, giving them an active role in the resolution. Then there is a summary judgment, which a judge enters in favor of the motioning party if there are no legal issues to place in front of a court. Finally, it is possible that the case ends via dismissal prior to trial – which the plaintiff may do on their own if the courts do not.
What will a trial mean for my business?
A trial will come with more legal fees, and you may find that the time you have spent on the case could have gone to your business itself. However, a trial may be what the conflict needs for a resolution and protecting the interests of your business may outweigh the risks of a legal battle in court.