Boundary disputes can be some of the most contentious and frustrating legal disputes a person can encounter. They often arise when there is confusion about the location of property lines, and they can lead to a great deal of stress, expense, and even violence. If you are facing a boundary dispute, it is important to understand how to handle it in the most effective manner possible.
Try talking to your neighbor first
Many real estate disputes can be resolved through simple dialogue and understanding. Therefore, get all your facts straight, review the relevant documents and then try to speak with your neighbor in a peaceful manner. Do some research and make sure you have accurate information about the location of your property line before talking to your neighbor. Make sure that the conversation remains respectful and productive, as this can help prevent it from escalating further.
Have an expert surveyor come to the property
If talking to your neighbor does not work, you may need an expert surveyor to look at the property and determine exactly where the boundaries lie. In some cases, this can be done with a simple survey of the area. In other cases, it may require getting an aerial survey or having professionals come out and take measurements.
Document everything
Be sure to document everything related to the dispute. This includes any documents, photos, or other evidence that can be used in court if necessary. It is also wise to keep a detailed log of all conversations and interactions with your neighbor as these may come in handy later on. For instance, if your neighbor verbally agreed to a certain boundary line and then later went back on their word, you can use the logs to prove that they instigated the dispute in court.
If all else fails, you may need to take your dispute to court. This should be done only as a last resort, however, and it is important to remember that this can be a long and expensive process. However, it may be the only way to resolve a boundary dispute if all other methods have failed.